
How to help design the user experience in an innovative and ambitious product?

Jan. 2021 → Oct. 2022 (1 year and 9 months)

UX Designer - Freelance


Weeki is an online whiteboard application. Like Miro or Mural, the goal of such an application is to allow teams to work together regardless of their location.

But where these solutions are more oriented towards product teams and project management, Weeki is directed towards R&D or education. A large part of the challenge is therefore centered on the centralization and visualization of scientific knowledge and the integration of multidisciplinary information.

This project is the original idea of Baptiste Mokas, whom I met during my Master's degree. Knowing that I wanted to work in the field of user experience, he shared his project with me.

My missions

During this experience I carried out two missions.

  1. Before I arrived on this project, a lot of work had been done upstream, in particular design work in the form of screenshots of many other applications, annotated and modified to form a first outline of the project's appearance and architecture. So my first initiative was to propose a UX audit on these first sketches.

  2. Satisfied with this first work, Baptiste Mokas proposed me to take care of the whole design of the application. This was my second mission.



A very rewarding experience

This project, especially the design mission, brought me mainly two things:

  1. An important competence increase in design. Indeed, until now my training and experience were mainly directed towards user research. Working on Weeki's user experience design allowed me to quickly evolve in this field. I was able to use Adobe XD to perform low and high fidelity mock-ups of more than 300 screens.

  2. A better ability to handle feedback correctly. Like many design professions whose core is the production of visual and concrete elements, UX Design attracts a lot of feedback on the choices made. You have to manage it with pedagogy: know how to support your choices with theoretical references and concrete examples without being closed to an external perspective. This knowledge is key in the evangelization of the user experience and I was able to make significant progress on this front.

A concrete impact

  1. Firstly, the original audit was an excellent evangelistic tool on the importance of user experience. I was able to isolate more than 20 usability issues. But beyond the purely concrete aspect, this method helped trigger a real awareness of how it was possible to make the idea behind Weeki materialize.

  2. Secondly, the two services provided contributed to making Weeki an even more credible project, capable of obtaining funding and scoring partnerships, which helped the project to become a reality. Weeki has been able to unlock two public funds, one from the regional agency for development and innovation (HDFID in french) and a second from the public investment bank (BPI in french).

A few exemples

UX Audit

Summary scoring table of problems found.

Criteria used: 10 Nielsen's heuristics.


📌 The branding and pure UI work was done by the Web Designer.

Simple screen exemples



Dual Cat - User Researcher - Employee


SWDE - User Researcher - Freelance